Vane Beauty

I was on the bus and noticed a girl I know to get on at the next stop.
Today she was beautifully made-up, nice clothes and that make up looked professionally performed,
And I thought, wow…  that’s beautiful, I’m in love with the make up artist even if he looks like a monkey…
The work was exquisitely done, it was a piece of art.
I hope the girl enjoyed her self-treat.

Some of us revert to natural and inner beauty, we look for comfort and feeling good. Makeup or not it’s important to feel good.

Indoctrinated Fears…!

I’m blessed to enjoy my living within a multicultural community. People from all corners of the world. People that enjoy sharing their ethnic customs, their dreams and hopes, their religion and their narrow minds when sharing their inner fears. Continue reading

Silence is Gold, my best company!

For few weeks I’ve had a song popping into my head. While in the past it was a pleasant song these days, it brings me a reminder that we are passing through in this life.

It feels like I was living in a bubble and it just started to leak reality. Not long ago I thought I had plenty of time to do the many things I wanted but, time is showing its true colors bringing the darkest at front with a very slim-dimmed rainbow.

Continue reading

Pleasing me, pleasing…

Pleasing me as in paying attention to my own needs.  Eg. Sit down, relax, read a book or do whatever I want.

Pleasing you as in trying to be nice without obligation.

Pleasing someone doesn’t mean to submit one’s will in order to make someone else happy.

My happiness comes from pleasing myself, it is my responsibility to create my own happiness.

Love you guys, you are on your own.