Third Party Newsmongers

Guidance from an early age will lead us on a steady progressive path.  In the absence of proper guidance then we will just have to stumble many times until we get it right in our pea-box that pain and or hurt is the best life-teacher.  After all, we are students in this life.

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Insensitive sugar…

From the memory tank:

Radar went to the dentist and on his way back to work with a sensitive tooth

I greeted him and offered him a “toffee”, my boss from his office screamed; no JEG, Radar’s been to the dentist..

Another voice from the opposite office screamed; be nice JEG. I responded, I was being nice by giving him some “sugar”…

Their misunderstanding hurt my feelings considering Radar was the least of my favourites. 😉😁

Wake of Love…

We are facing a time of segregation and todate it’s been 6-8 weeks since safeguards were imposed by the government.  

Wherever my limited trips took me I heard the same cry, “miss grandchildren”, “very close to children who cannot visit”, “miss school as unable to mingle with friends” even dick ran the risk to be fined for sneaking out from quarantine to be with distant girlfriend, and many more tears along the way.

Restrictions were imposed and one of them allowed only five, yes 5 attendees to a funeral, being the close ones only.

On the past days there were few more casualties to the corona of the 21C. Fifteen elderly from a nursing home passed away and the relations expressing their sorrow online. Some were extremely sad due to the closeness to their passed relation but it brings me to this post on the Love displayed in these times.

During my many walks before March 2020, I’ve witnessed large funeral processions gathered at the local churches. Huge numbers of people, cars queued and parked along the adjacent streets making it unbelievably the enormous love expressed to the deceased laying in a coffin inside the church. The only time tears drop, the only time love is expressed, the only and last time to “visit a loved one”.

At nursing homes I witnessed the absence of visitors, the craving for a kind look, smiles or a short hello from strangers. Dumped into storage waiting for burial.

Flowers in abundance at funerals but in life not even a Christmas or birthday card.

Life is so hectic that don’t allow time for a short note, or a scripted email, maybe a 134c-text message, a short visit every now and then.

Life is precious, so is LOVE but we only recognise life and love when mortality is awake.

Will Covid-19 deliver unlimited Love amendments to all of us?

 Covid19, Australian’s restrictions started early March’20.