Moochy love…!

Love is a gift…
Not a manipulative tool

Love is ingrained in every being on earth
From the parrots to humans
We all carry love in us from birth and
After our natural passing

Yes, some die for love
Some die to protect us

Love is free
Love is sharing
Love is caring
Love is unconditional well until parents muck up
And turn it into conditions…
Eat your veggies or no Icecream
No smoking or curfew will be imposed
No boyfriend or your allowance will be cut… oouch…
You don’t love me, you don’t buy me diamonds on wages
And the classic one, you don’t love me, you don’t give me what I want… conditions conditions are not loving freebies

I am love, I share my love with who ever I feel I need to share with, including the cats, the dogs, the people at the shops in need of someone to listen to them but…

To stay within a toxic relationship after demanding “what is wanted” yeeeaks…

Love is free, natural, take me as I am, perfect or less, love me as I am don’t try to change me.

We are not the perfect pattern, we make mistakes, we are unique to be accepted as we are.

Love is not manipulation, “done for your own good”, why give away our right to someone to decide what’s good or not on our behalf?

Once the illusion ends, manipulators should be sent away as toxic love turns into despise.

Begging love is not a tool to correct a relationship.

Love is free, a guide to make us better beings
A need to push ourselves to do better
A need to care for others including Maggie (magpies)

The need to be ourselves, to recharge, to relax is giving love AND within a relation should be commitment and respect to the relationship as well to the people in it.

If you respect my ways then you love me otherwise, move across the road where you’ll be and do better. It works both ways.

Love is free, is not “I do what I want

Note: with children if “guided” the right way from early life, manipulation will never root in. Guidance doesn’t involve a whip, it requires, attention, sensitive to the young growing pains, lots of careful listening.

And I have no children, I feel for them as I still remember the whip… I burned the bloody thing in my early teens, mum couldn’t afford to buy a replacement 🤪

Love ourselves more
Respect ourselves more
And let go the wimps

4 thoughts on “Moochy love…!

    • Due to politeness we keep quiet but I reached my limit to see and hear “unreasonable demands” as love, loyalty and respect. Once it’s broken then it’s time to go specially where there are children. Distortion is not a good sample to guidance. My thoughts anyway.

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