Joyful discipline…!

Living alone allow us to do and feel different to the old rigorous family ways.

Being organise is a “skill” demanded by our families to enjoy a pleasant environment from an early age.

Being organise saves me time and memory effort to find whatever I want or need. “You’ll find it on the third drawer on your left side…” , “old at front new at the back”. Easy and simple.

Being organise helps the memory bank to deliver in a robotic manner, precise and accurate. “It’s there… as usual…”

On the opposite side to being organise is the old chant, “where I left my keys”. There’s no room for this chant in my memory bank.

My shopping bag demands white tissues, a certain type of tea, a particular brand of cleaning goodies, I’m fussy with my shopping.

I buy to stock to help my budget to cover for purchases out of routine, it provides me the freedom to get whatever now… now not tomorrow when payday arrives.

When one item is finished or nearly finished like oil, I start a new bottle and “automatically I stop, grab my notepad and update my shopping list. Any empty boxes go to the recycle bin and a new is replace in its “right” spot. As I said, as a robot do.

Few days ago I found a green tissue on the bedside table, “where did it come from? I threw it as my tissues are WHITE … I dismissed the finding.

Today, I opened my kitchen cabinet to grab a tea bag I drink on rare occasions, I pulled the box to find it EMPTY ???

How nice of them to leave me an empty box…

Hey, what’s going on? A green tissue, an empty box left in my cupboard, “I won’t notice them as I got plenty to replace ”, but I noticed the odds as anything “empty” goes to the rubbish or recycle bin.

My disciplined ways of life were developed when I went ill, when I saw my grandparents’ memory playing around. “I had to do something to organise my ways…” and I did as when I went ill I lost few items that my budget couldn’t replace and, as usual medication chews most of the budget during those times. Something had to be done with my memory.

I live alone, no cat or mice to blame them, the only ones with an spare key are the owners.

Even a disorganised person knows what’s in their mess.

Time to subscribe my monitor again to find the lizard squeezing under my door.

I’m healthy and I went through covid19 untouched, since the appearance of the green tissue I developed flu symptoms, I touched the green tissue to dispose off, that easy we catch the unwanted, I wish to catch the culprit.

It could be my memory went on holidays to leave the box behind but, the green tissue is a give away.

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