Submission and property…!

The pull and push over the years has remained a constant through life.

I’m into soap operas this time, entertainment literature based in real life.  And they say;

She’s my wife, I can do anything with/to her…
She’s my punching bag…
No-one has rights on her but me…
She’s to do as I please…
She’s to obey me…

She’s a sheep like any piece of furniture!

And the news without fail keep demanding useless laws to protect the geese..

When any goose can be caught by the neck to “relax” him.  Being South American I know better ways to “relax” them permanently. 😁

No law can protect submissive kittens that never learnt self value. They learned, “the more you hit me the more I love you” a native chant from uneducated people.
Education dictated through the ages, “he’s the man, you bend and  bow to the master”.

The soap operas show all this.  There’s no ethnic difference  and in this gay 21C, it goes both ways.  The fem-narcisist hits very hard to cripple the weak as well.

Slavery ended centuries ago, well most of it as there are few countries that “preserve” it todate. Laws to protect the macho geese that will shoot this writer for being female, opinionated and no-compliant, ai yayay compadre…!

I also was raised the old ways but, as a black sheep I am, I managed to run to the top of the hills seeking better pastures where the kitchen ware became useful defence weapons. God blessed us with the saucepans’ invention.

Apart from learning the ABC and 123 at school, kids should learn self value, self love to step out of the vicious circle and the bullying, but… The curriculum only delivers submission and abuse degrees.

I’m a wild ram, stay out of my way for your own safety. 😁😈😇

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