Christmas Cheer

by David L Fulthorp

Another year has passed away
and Christmas is right here
So rip into that Christmas spirit
and enjoy some Christmas cheer

Anticipate with baited breath,
I wonder what i’ll get?
Gifts scattered ’round the Christmas tree
my wants will all be met

Streamers here, tinsel there,
stockings up the wall
Christmas trees with coloured bells
who could ask for more?

But how about the homeless child
without a bed to sleep
Or battered wife been cast aside
to live upon the street

When Christmas cheer spirit lights our homes
all warm with decadence,
Spare a thought, or prayer, or cash
to make the difference.

Together we can help the poor
overcome their fears
By giving freely of ourselves
and sharing Christmas cheer

Christmas comes but once a year
enjoy this Holy Day,
remember that it’s what you do
and not just what you say.

Christmas cheer is fun to share
each and every year
Let those you love and cherish most,
know you love them dear.

can be sung to jingle bells tune
